Was looking at tools that would help us to understand the cybersecurity landscape better, in line with the requirement o use a set of tools that would help us to understand weaknesses and to exploit them, the below projects are interesting as it would help us with a typical Capture the flag exercise. The below gives a great set of tools that can be extended and used effectively to keep the team current in techniques and do real time exercise to understand vulnerabilities and their exploit from a hackers perspective.
OWASP WebGoat: A deliberately insecure web application maintained by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) for learning about web application security.
Metasploitable: A vulnerable Linux virtual machine designed for practicing penetration testing and exploiting vulnerabilities.
Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA): A PHP/MySQL web application that contains known vulnerabilities for practicing web application security testing.
Hack The Box: An online platform that hosts a variety of vulnerable machines and challenges for practicing and testing your hacking skills.
CTFd: An open source CTF platform used for organizing and hosting CTF events.
PicoCTF: An annual CTF event organized by Carnegie Mellon University that provides challenges for beginners and experienced players.
RootTheBox: An open source CTF platform that allows users to create and customize their own CTF challenges and events.