Many a times it is difficult to find the reasons as to why a cloud application security is very different than any other approaches. A cloud is very similar to a private hosted data center sans the physical security aspects of it.
The various components that build up the system can very well be built into the cloud. IdMs, RBACs, Key or Token based Systems. It is only a matter of time where in the Cloud Providers will partner with all these providers to get the economies of scale.
The approach to the cloud model is not very much different than to a colocation or a private cloud. The Hypervisor is another component that needs to be managed as part of the Vulnerability Management of resources. What is applicable in a traditional model is still applicable to the cloud and in addition the concerns of the cloud. A few questions to answer.. It is more a logical data flow diagram which can help you identify the type of data on move and at rest and the necessary logical controls therefore required.
1. Where exactly is your Cloud Server?
2. How is the data stored and where?
3. Do you push the incidence of protection to the Cloud provider for a fee? It is like insurance, have the clauses built in to address your concerns. Many a times as a cloud provider we have found them to bring to the table a set of services that are very expensive to have internally. For example: Regular Automated VM Scanning, HIDS and IDS Services, Log Consolidation etc.
4. Have controls to ensure that your devices are protected logically. Physical protection is to be with the provided (The reason to have SAS 70 and other similar arrangements)
5. Encryption of the Operating System and all files : Encryption is an option,
Whole OS encryption vs Just the data at rest? however, do you share it with your provider? Sometimes the benefits of the cloud are lost if you do not leverage the management services offered by the cloud provider. Encryption however can become a major hurdle as it eats lots of processing power!!!! More muscle needed , but with the easy expansion of resources based on demand..this can be addressed.
The advantages
- The problem of addressing Security Issues on the Host System is pushed to the provider?
- Identification of resources that can be moved to the cloud? What are the criteria for their selection and movement?
Simply stated the advantages of the cloud far outweighs it's disadvantages. A proper approach with encryption and logical controls can achieve the given objective. The objective however, should not be technical but more driven by business and the cloud can be leveraged effectively in such situations. The major advantages being
a. The IT infrastructure can get rid of Capital Costs - It is just operational costs.
b. IT becomes an operational cost and helps to improve the bottom line at least on paper. No dead NPA.
c. Resource reduction , problems related to building infrastructure redundancies - Gone.
d. Volume discounts - Some of the services offered are available at rates that are not even remotely possible in a private enterprise. (IDS Services, Log Consolidation etc) - Economies of Scale.
The major advantage is the human resources needed to run the systems. The shared model helps a lot in leveraging the common resource pool more effectively and efficiently.
The various components that build up the system can very well be built into the cloud. IdMs, RBACs, Key or Token based Systems. It is only a matter of time where in the Cloud Providers will partner with all these providers to get the economies of scale.
The approach to the cloud model is not very much different than to a colocation or a private cloud. The Hypervisor is another component that needs to be managed as part of the Vulnerability Management of resources. What is applicable in a traditional model is still applicable to the cloud and in addition the concerns of the cloud. A few questions to answer.. It is more a logical data flow diagram which can help you identify the type of data on move and at rest and the necessary logical controls therefore required.
1. Where exactly is your Cloud Server?
2. How is the data stored and where?
3. Do you push the incidence of protection to the Cloud provider for a fee? It is like insurance, have the clauses built in to address your concerns. Many a times as a cloud provider we have found them to bring to the table a set of services that are very expensive to have internally. For example: Regular Automated VM Scanning, HIDS and IDS Services, Log Consolidation etc.
4. Have controls to ensure that your devices are protected logically. Physical protection is to be with the provided (The reason to have SAS 70 and other similar arrangements)
5. Encryption of the Operating System and all files : Encryption is an option,
Whole OS encryption vs Just the data at rest? however, do you share it with your provider? Sometimes the benefits of the cloud are lost if you do not leverage the management services offered by the cloud provider. Encryption however can become a major hurdle as it eats lots of processing power!!!! More muscle needed , but with the easy expansion of resources based on demand..this can be addressed.
The advantages
- The problem of addressing Security Issues on the Host System is pushed to the provider?
- Identification of resources that can be moved to the cloud? What are the criteria for their selection and movement?
Simply stated the advantages of the cloud far outweighs it's disadvantages. A proper approach with encryption and logical controls can achieve the given objective. The objective however, should not be technical but more driven by business and the cloud can be leveraged effectively in such situations. The major advantages being
a. The IT infrastructure can get rid of Capital Costs - It is just operational costs.
b. IT becomes an operational cost and helps to improve the bottom line at least on paper. No dead NPA.
c. Resource reduction , problems related to building infrastructure redundancies - Gone.
d. Volume discounts - Some of the services offered are available at rates that are not even remotely possible in a private enterprise. (IDS Services, Log Consolidation etc) - Economies of Scale.
The major advantage is the human resources needed to run the systems. The shared model helps a lot in leveraging the common resource pool more effectively and efficiently.