The stories told by the victors - An non objective descriptions of things lied over the years
History is always in the making. What you live on today is history tomorrow. But over the years, as it unfolds, we see a clear pattern. This pattern if we look at it is very obvious, slowly but surely we have a tendency to fudge things and write history as it needs to be perceived to meet our ends now. (The present)
It is unfortunate that alternatives even though they exist are subjected to obfuscation and over time they are lost in the quagmires of document repositories around the world.
Lets see how this phenomenon unfolds. Lets say that an event X has happened to such a certainty that it exists in the collective conscience of the general public. But as the Government or as a body with sufficient muscle to change public opinion, there is a campaign to bombard with information over time about the event in such a way that people have to perceive it as required by the body that wields sufficient power to control media. (typically a government body)
Over time , the system is flooded with the false information or heavily modified information that majority of the people have a view of the events that is contrary to what really happened.
Now that the collective conscience has been sufficiently modified, it is just a matter of fact that claims of prior art regarding a particular event is so biased against the actual set of events, that the modified version of history becomes "The Event"
To a certain extent, the only saving grace is that the medium of communication has evolved to such an extent (this blog for instance) that controlling the flow of information is getting much more difficult for the bosses to be. but funnily I was wondering as to how many really blog on such issues, there are opinions and counter opinions, but the masses needs to vent their content somewhere, but thinking about it, I started writing very recently even though I have had the option to dabble on the INTERNET for more than 15 years.
The problem of using a Search Engine for content has its own problems, Search Engines are still predominantly English. What about the content in other languages. How do you know what the non english speaking world knows about an incident. This content is not understood by the search engine or does not provide me with a medium to understand the content.
I am working on finding an example from the past to provide you as an example. Just hang on...