It is crazy that a cash starved as well as food starved North Korea spends useful funds on Nuclear Armaments, Unfortunately, this is because of the overtures from US that make them belligerent.
US is a trigger happy country and want to act as the cop of the world. This is never an area where there is common world opinion. When countries are cornered by the US and put under pressure, they tend to do something on the contrary. Export of US ideas to other countries is considered a cultural invasion and is always resented upon. This is very similar to the US missionaries that push Christianize the world by economic incentives rather than as a philosophy and as a spiritual way to attain salvation.
Why does not the US take on the North Koreans they way they did with the IRAQIS. The economics of such intervention is never positive and even though North Koreas is much worse than IRAQ was under Saddam, still we do not see the US trying to destabilize North Korea and bring US brand of democracy to this poor country. In every way this is much more difficult to achieve than in the Gulf as North Korea is in the sphere of influence of the Russians and the Chinese, economically not viable and North Korea does not have the energy resources to trade in post invasion.
The other reason for the though process for many countries of the world is that , if you have a nuclear weapon, you would be taken seriously. It is obvious the world will/was never meant for equals, US, Russia, France, Great Britain and China are in the security council mainly because they have Nuclear Capability and to be perceived as capable of keeping somebody at bay, nuclear capability becomes a deterrent. North Korea would continue to rattle the International Community with such brinkmanship. This will end only if the world community can foment the people to rise against the regime.
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". This was meant for the USSR then , now this is more apt for the United States
US is a trigger happy country and want to act as the cop of the world. This is never an area where there is common world opinion. When countries are cornered by the US and put under pressure, they tend to do something on the contrary. Export of US ideas to other countries is considered a cultural invasion and is always resented upon. This is very similar to the US missionaries that push Christianize the world by economic incentives rather than as a philosophy and as a spiritual way to attain salvation.
Why does not the US take on the North Koreans they way they did with the IRAQIS. The economics of such intervention is never positive and even though North Koreas is much worse than IRAQ was under Saddam, still we do not see the US trying to destabilize North Korea and bring US brand of democracy to this poor country. In every way this is much more difficult to achieve than in the Gulf as North Korea is in the sphere of influence of the Russians and the Chinese, economically not viable and North Korea does not have the energy resources to trade in post invasion.
The other reason for the though process for many countries of the world is that , if you have a nuclear weapon, you would be taken seriously. It is obvious the world will/was never meant for equals, US, Russia, France, Great Britain and China are in the security council mainly because they have Nuclear Capability and to be perceived as capable of keeping somebody at bay, nuclear capability becomes a deterrent. North Korea would continue to rattle the International Community with such brinkmanship. This will end only if the world community can foment the people to rise against the regime.
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others". This was meant for the USSR then , now this is more apt for the United States