Thinking about the concept of God, it is clear that humans looked at something beyond them to ensure that there exists order in the society they lived in. This concept was paramount to the success of humans as a race and evolved into the civilization that nurtured into what we are today. The concept worked fine as long as the various communities that were governed by a particular god served the purpose without much ado. The present conflicts can be seen in this context. As boundaries overlap, the concept of god overlaps and therefore the confrontation between various gods and results in conflict. Most conflicts are fought in the name of godhead. God heads might change to the concepts followed in various religions to the change of the god head into a generic term like democracy, at least the new god democracy is generic and representative of all the thousands of gods we have across the world. God and religion are very important aspects in maintaining order in society. When the gods ...
Ramble on everything and anything that fancies my imagination